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  • The 16th China International Public Security Expo

    In 2017, global focus. The 16th China International Social Public Security Expo (hereinafter referred to as anexpo) will be held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from October 29 to November 1, 2017. The exhibition is the largest security exhibition in the world, the most authoritative and influential in Asia. The exhibition has attracted a large number of excellent security enterprises at home and abroad to share the latest achievements!
    Shenzhen Haolin automation equipment Co., Ltd. will present the latest intelligent focusing equipment, full-automatic camera focusing machine and hl-806f, the company's new equipment next year. Welcome friends of all enterprises to come to guide the visit!
    Exhibition time: October 29 - November 1, 2017
    Exhibition Center: Shenzhen, China
    Booth No.: Hall 6 (International Pavilion) 6t17, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center



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